from: Charles H. McMullen email:
I am sending you this e-mail in order
to see if you would be interested in sharing space with some fellow art students of Jim Hempel’s in renting
Studio 501 in the building located at 133 West Pittsburg
Avenue in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Studio 501 is located just down the hall from Jim Hempel’s studio).
By way of background, five of us current lease
Studio 501, but one of us is dropping out for family related reasons,
and we would like to replace him with one or more persons in order to
defray the individual cost of renting Studio 501.
We understand that the landlord is willing to enter
into a new one year lease for Studio 501 at the rate of $600 per month,
which would mean an individual rent of $120 per month if five of us
were to rent Studio 501.
In considering this opportunity, I would tell you the following:
2. Studio 501 is bright and spacious.
3. We are a group of painters who get along with each other.
4. Having Jim Hempel’s studio almost next door is wonderful if you take any classes from Jim because you can leave all your art supplies in Studio 501 and go to classes with Jim without having to carry all your art supplies up to Jim’s studio for each class.
Please let me and the other people copied on this
e-mail know if you have any interest in joining us in Studio 501
(positive responses only, please). We would, of course, be happy to
give you a tour of the space and answer any questions
you may have.
Charlie McMullen