Sunday, January 11, 2015

Bay View Art in the Park 2015 season

From: Brian Breider <>

As you plan your 2015 fair schedule, please consider Bay View Art in the Park. We are a casual but quality event celebrating its 2nd year. One feature that makes "BVAP" unique is we are Milwaukee's only WEEKLY art festival.  We run for 12 weeks, every Saturday June - Aug from 11-3pm. This format provides flexibility for both artists who attend multiple events and artists that seek a single venue to attend.

The festival is held at Zillman Park on KK Ave, a park in the heart of the Bay View neighborhood providing great car and foot traffic.
  • Extra booth space
  • Best Value booth fees
    $230 Seasonal Vendor (all 12 weeks)
    $150 Half Season Vendor (6 weeks)
    $30 Daily Vendor - minimum of 2 dates.
  • No application fee
Our event will be advertised in print, social media, online event calendars and flyers throughout the city.
The festival is focused on affordable fine art with a limited selection of craft and jewelry artists so early submission is encouraged. There is no price cap but we ask that artists offer a number of works under $100 to keep art accessible for all.
We will be posting and emailing the artist application January 2015.
Please bookmark and visit

Thank you all and we wish you a successful 2015.

Brian Breider
MKEArts llc.