Monday, January 12, 2015

2015 A Blank Canvas! Happy New Year! from WIPAPA

from: WIPAPA via

First I want to thank you all for your part in WIPAPA.

To the Artists:  Everytime any of you are outside painting and visible to another person it helps to establish plein air painting in our state. I think we have made great progress in 2014. More and more I am hearing "Oh I've heard of that." instead of "What are you doing?" 

To our Collectors: THANK YOU! Where would we be without you?

To the event Organizers!: Oh my goodness! How hard you work! We see you! We THANK YOU!!!

There were 16 competitions in Wisconsin last year and I know we will be adding to that list this year. The first one of the year is a WINTER event in Mineral Point the first week in February! I have started a 2015 list of events on the blog. If you are an event director please get me your link asap! Many artists plan work schedules and vacation time around your events and some need to put in for vacation months before!!! So if you know you are planning an event even if your site has a page saying "Save this Date!" I need that link from you!!

Did you know there is currently a Plein Air Exhibit at the Charles Allis Museum? It will hang until January 25th so you still have time to see it!

Also Watch this blog and mark your calendars for January 24: Our annual Winter Bash Party and Art Exchange!


Your current Instigator, Wendie Thompson