A Brush Against Hunger
How can ARTISTS+FARM=FOOD for hungry people?? That is the question I
have been noodling since a number of months ago when I received a call
from Ed Makowski at the Hunger Task Force Farm. Ed is the Farm Volunteer
Coordinator at the Hunger Task Force Farm in Franklin, WI. Since 2004,
Hunger Task Force has operated a 150 acre historic farm. In 2013 the
Farm produced over 1,000,000 pounds of fresh vegetables and fruits that
are delivered free of charge to the hungry in the greater Milwaukee
area. And it’s a beautiful place! Ed wanted to know how he could get
artists to come out to the farm and paint. I wanted to know how we could
help him!!
I am excited to announce a yearlong Collaboration with WIPAPA and the
Hunger Task Force Farm. We will have regular access to paint on the
farm. A regular schedule will be developed as artists make clear their
preferred times. Access will be weather and crop related (apple blossoms
are lovely). You must register with the form on this post (see below).
When you go to paint you must sign in each time you visit. You will be
required to sign a release the first time you sign in.

A Hunger Task Force employee will need to be on the grounds while you
are present, so dates/times need to be cleared in advance. We will offer
the images to Hunger Task Force to use for raising funds (calendars,
holiday cards, website, etc.) We will also target a sale of the original
work at some point in the future…(65% artist/35% Task Force). This
first sale event will likely coincide with the visitor center being
completed in 2015. We are hoping for paintings done in each month to
have art in all the Farm’s seasonal phases.
Here’s what to do:
1. Register (form below, scroll down till you submit)
3. Show up to paint
4. Sign in
5. Sign one time release form
6. Paint your heart out
7. Take a good image of the finished work
8. Send the image to Ed along with the titles and your name
9. Repeat steps 2, 5-7