Glass Artists of the New North: Creativity in Our Midst
September 15 - February 16, 2014
This exhibit fea
Jeremy Popelka Sturgeon Bay, WI Serac, 2013 Sand cast glass
tures the creative and innovative work of nationally and
internationally renowned glass artists who live and work in The New
North region of Wisconsin. Within our area, there are a growing number
accomplished artistswho are recognized for their capabilities of
enriching the intellectual, economic and creative environments of the
These artists have managed their own businesses as gallery owners,
artist and entrepreneurs, creating work for exhibit and sale to a
national audience. The goal of this exhibition is to meld the interest
in innovation in the business community with the creativity and
innovation of the artists in our midst.
Click here for a schedule of lectures and discussions with the artists.
Thank you, exhibit sponsors:
This exhibition is supported in
part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the state
of Wisconsin and The National Endowment for the Arts.