Milwaukee Sketch Club
2014 Summer Plein Air Painting Schedule/Guide
Updated 9/4/14
always, it's a good idea to see who else is going if you want to meet
up and paint with someone. sometimes members don't meet at scheduled
times and locations. Feel free to share this schedule/guide. Please
share you pictures and painting adventures by emailing us at so we can post them on our blog for inspiration.
Tuesday Evenings, about 5:30pm (Milwaukee County)
- 6/10 - Hart Park, 7300 W. Chestnut St. Wauwatosa, off State St. West of 70th st.
- 6/17 - Colectivo Coffee, (previously Alterra Coffee) 1701 N. Lincoln Memorial Drive,
- 6/24 - VA - 5000 W. National Ave, Milwaukee
- 7/1 - Greenfield Park, 2028 S. 124 St. West Allis, meet near pool
- 7/8 - Downtown Greendale, can meet near library 5647 Broad St
- 7/15 - Sail Loft Spirits and Dining Restaurant area, 649 E. Erie St. Milwaukee
- 7/22 - 3rd Ward, meet near Catalano Square near Utrechts
- 7/29 - McKinley Marina 1750 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr.
- 8/5 - Trimborn Farm 8881 West Grange Ave, Greendale
- 8/12 - Harley Davidson 400 W. Canal St
- 8/19 - Grant Park, 100 Hawthorne Ave, South Milwaukee, Meet down at golf club house
- 8/26 - Downtown Wauwatosa near Firefly Urban Bar and Grill 7754 Harwood Avenue, Public Parking lot at end of street
Friday Mornings about 8:30am (Waukesha County)
- 6/6 - Elegant Farmer Orchard Hwy ES at J, Mukwonago
- 6/13 - East Troy Electric railroad substation/museum, From I43, take 120N to East Troy center. A band gazebo is in the center of the square. From the square continue straight north on Church Street two blocks to the tracks. The Substation, a large brick building, is on the right. Also railroad equipment is usually parked nearby.
- 6/20 - Cutler Park, 321 Wisconsin Ave, Waukesha, near Waukesha Library
- 6/27 - East Troy center near historical society. From I43, take 120N to East Troy center. A band gazebo is in the center of the square. Interesting buildings are all around the square.
- 7/4 - Holiday, Nothing planned. Go to a parade and draw in the shade!
- 7/11 - New Berlin Historical Park, 19765 W National Ave
- 7/18 - Army Lake, W1591 Sawyer Lane East Troy 53120 (have owner's permission)
- 7/25 - Frame Park, 1240 Frame Park Drive, Waukesha
- 8/1 - Waukesha Riverwalk, Meet at Riverfront Plaza, just south of Fox River between Broadway & Barstow
- 8/8 - Nashotah House, 2777 Mission Road Nashotah, Hwy C to Mission Ave
- 8/15 - Brookdale Village. Genesee Depot. From Genesee Depot take Route 83 North to County Highway D. Turn right on D and continue to Brookhill Road. Turn right on Brookhill Road and right again at the second entrance to Brookdale Village. Park in the lot in front of the gift shop.
- 8/22 - Indian Head Park, Mukwonago, Approximately Main St. (Hwy ES) and Front St.
- 8/29 - Steaming Cup, 340 W Main St. Waukesha
- 9/5 Greenfield Park 124th st & greenfield
2014 Plein Air Events and some Art Fairs
- May 18-23, Durand,
- June 4-13, Beloit Edge of the Rock Plein Air Event
- June 18-27, Cedarburg Plein Air - Main Event
- June 18- June 19 Cedarburg Plein Air - Port Washington Paint Out
- June 28, Cedarburg Plein Air - Paint the (Strawberry) Festival
July 5 - 8:30-noon, Plein Air with Al at South Shore park during green market - July 12-26, Door County old info on the events website
- July 13, South Shore Frolics Festival of Arts
- July 26, Richfield
- August 2-3, Wauwatosa Firefly Art Fair
- August 7-9, Mineral Point,
- August 15-17, 5th Annual Milwaukee domes Art Festival
- September 17-20, Shorewood,
- September 18-26, Plymouth,
Link to original non-updated printable google document:
from al minzlaff <>
Hi all, Al here
I plan on doing most Tues eves on this list.
Also note that in addition to this list I'm planning a plein air during the green market.
If anyone plans on joining me let me know by calling or emailing so we can connect.
South Shore Park
July 5, 8:30am-noon
Also remember to attend the South Shore Frolics on July 13 with approx 70 art vendors.