Thursday, August 18, 2022

Excited for our new indoor sketching season to start! Tuesday September 20th 7-9PM

 From: Madeline, Milwaukee Sketch Club <

Looking forward to a new season of

Milwaukee Sketch Club!

Greetings everyone! I hope this message finds you healthy and almost ready to get back to our figure drawing nights. We have a start date and a schedule you will see in your mailboxes this week.

Tuesday September 20th 7-9pm

This is slated to be our first night back together, so mark your calendars!
Dues will remain the same as last year. A full schedule will be sent to you via email as soon as the information is finalized(should be this week).

There is now an email specifically created for our club you can reach me directly at:

If there are known email addresses I haven't included in this mailing please let me know. Keep an eye out for more info coming soon, and see you next on Tuesday September 20th! 
