Saturday, April 16, 2022

Madeline Glaspey Floral Oil Painting Demo 4/12/22

If painting from a photo, choose a photo that has a good value pattern and range, (light-midtones-darks).

She used a gray palette and painted on a gray surface.

When using oils generally work from thin to thick and dark to light. This process allows you to change your mind at any step.

The palette used consisted of mostly transparent colors, mostly from Windsor Newton, because transparent colors glow, have a huge value range, and you can get a lot of dimension without lots of mixing. Can just add white. 

  • Indian Yellow
  • Indian Yellow Deep
  • Green Gold
  • Titanium white
  • Quinacridone Magenta
  • Phthalo Turquoise
Transparent oils act like a dye, behave when mixed with others, doesn't affect value, just color.
Opaque oils change value and color.
Titanium white is opaque. Zinc white is transparent.

There are lots of mediums. Look at Dry time, Viscosity, and Shine when choosing a medium to use.
  • Cold wax contains solvent, speeds dry, adds body, and is matte
  • Liquin, and alkyd medium, is great for beginners, speeds dry, increases flow, and increases gloss
  • Gamblin's NeoMegilp, is a synthetic version of (???maroger???), doesn't change dry time, adds flow, and doesn't change gloss (satin). Has the least effect on the paint.
Do not mix mediums because it may affect future stability with cracking and surface issues. If you used too much linseed oil it can separate or bead up.

Step 1. Start with a loose sketch of general outline and shadow shapes using "brown", liquin, larger synthetic brush. Scrub in paint.

Can use burnt umber of mix a green and red to get a brown. If you use complements you will get a more neutral color.
Quinacridone magenta + phthalo turquoise is more purple. If mix with green gold, it will be more brown.

In general, cold light has warm shadows; warm light has cold shadows. Time of day and cloud cover can affect the temperature of the light. In general early morning and late evening have warm light. Light temperature is measured in Kelvins. Red flower center very warm, yellow in light warm, leaves warm green. Relative temperature; Indian Yellow warm to Indian Yellow deep  to Green Gold cool. 

Paint in darks first. Use large bristle brush. Easier to scoop up paint than when use soft brush.

To clean brush between colors, scrub on cloth rag so most of paint comes off. Then use paint thinner (and keep lid on between use.) Make sure to wipe off all paint thinner because it dulls colors.

Flower centers Quinacridone Magneta + phthalo turquois to darken. Alizarin Crimson darker and warmer than Quinacridone Magenta.

Do a little swatch of background dark color to verify. Phthalo Turquois + Alizarin Crimson. 

Put in light yellows first. Do background last to enhance subject. Easier to do background last.

Indian Yellow + Indian Yellow Deep plus NeoMegil, Higher viscosity than liquin, more jelly like. Too orange so add some opaque Cadmium Yellow. Blend to connect areas. Cadmium Red Deep is a warmer more vibrant red. To lighten red use an opaque yellow. Avoids pink from when you add white.

Mix cold wax with palette knife. Matte. background Phthalo Turquoise + Green Gold + Cold wax.

Palette at end of Demo

The End.