Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Invitation to Apply for 2020 Richfield Art at the Mill

from: artfairrhs@gmail.com

Richfield Art At the Mill
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Call for Artists
With the holidays over and winter losing its grip (although we'll still have cold weather), summer is only a few months away. Have you been thinking about your outdoor art fair schedule?  You are invited to apply to exhibit at this juried art and fine craft fair held in beautiful Richfield Historical Park, Richfield, WI (Washington County). This is the 12th year for the event. You will find this event to have:
  • reasonable booth & jury fees 
  • easy unload and reload arrangements
  • ample space between booth spaces
  • friendly, helpful staff
  • free homemade pastry & coffee during setup
Because we know the success of this event depends upon our exhibitors, we strive to advertise to the fullest extent of our ability to attract attendees. We use newspapers, fliers, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest), websites and signage to promote the fair.

For those who exhibited at this event in 2019, the road construction kept some visitors from navigating an 'unfriendly' road. That construction is completed and will not affect the 2020 Art at the Mill.

Click here for the link to the Guidelines and Application Form. You can also find the document on the Richfield Historical Society website: richfieldhistoricalsociety.org (Home Page, Left Side, Scroll Down.) 
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Lois Hessenauer

Richfield Historical Society