Friday, June 10, 2016

Loosie Goosie Abstract Painting Workshop

Coming up...Saturday, June 25th and Sunday, June 26th 

"Loosie Goosie" Abstract Painting Workshop
with Karen Ragus at the Lake Mills Arts Center

9:00 to 3:00 both days

This fun filled acrylic abstract painting workshop encourages you to be free, more spontaneous and intuitive in your work.  No teeny weeny brushes or lots of rules and regulations.  Just paint with freedom using different mark making tools and big fat brushes. Think outside the box and get lost in your work.

Simply email to enroll.
 Include your name, address, email address and phone number.  Send check to 
Lake Mills Arts Center, 100 Water St., Lake Mills, WI 53551.

I will send you the supply list.

If you have questions please call 608.843.3308

This class fills quickly so don't delay and miss out on all the fun!
The Lake Mills Arts Center is located at 100 Water Street, at the corner of Main & Water Street, Lake Mills, WI 53551
Just one block south of the downtown city park.

  If you have questions, please