Tuesday, March 8, 2016

WIPAPA: IMPT: Info About the Future of WIPAPA

From: WIPAPA <mricl4hlth@gmail.com>

In 2006 I started instigating the beginnings of WIPAPA . Having been bitten by the plein air bug and seeing the advantages of another state organization of plein air artists and the advantages of artists painting in community we dug in and begin to build. Together we have created one of the most active plein air organizations in the country!

  • I see plein air as cutting edge in terms of creating new collectors of original art therefore changing culture in our state. 
  • I see children growing up in communities where it has now become normal to see artists painting on the streets.
  • I see organizations and communities benefiting financially when artists descend. 
  • I see an enormous body of cherished paintings documenting this beautiful state we live in reminding their owners that this is what they felt, smelled and saw.
  • I see artists who normally work in isolation gathering together in friendship, helping each other by sharing artists secrets freely, forging friendships across economic, political, racial and social boundaries. 
  • I have seen some of you become so skilled as to begin to be seen on a national level.
Plein Air painting has done all of this good. But there is so much more for us to do!!!

You may have heard that at the WIPAPA holiday party in January I announced that December 31st 2016 would be my final day as the day to day administrator of WIPAPA. I have loved serving you but have had some life changes and I believe for the organization to grow others need to contribute. I am not planning to leave the group however I see myself as more of an Ambassador after that.

It is my hope that a number of you would be willing to step up and serve on a board. The group may wish to review and update the current mission statement as well. To this end we will be using many tools to ascertain a vision for the future of WIPAPA. I am telling you this now so that I can pass on the knowledge I have gained before I leave.

Here are just some of the tasks that will need warm bodies:
  • Blog administrator: the blog acts as a communication tool or clearinghouse for all things "Plein Air" in Wisconsin. It's possible for more than one person to do this.
  • Website Director: The group may wish to expand it's web presence in this way.
  • Event Director: We have had anywhere from 1 to 3 juried shows at various venues each year. This could also be broken down into parts for more than one person. Over the years I have found ways to simplify this process immensely!
  • Monthly open paint day Facilitator: Finding venues and announcing them.
  • We could use both a Bookkeeper and an Accountant: I have always believed we should become a Not for profit but you should decide that.
  • Ambassador: I would still be willing to do the work of meeting with communities to help them develop new events...I spend a great deal of time with this.
Please be thinking about these things as we move into the plein air season and watch for communications this year that may ask for your opinions. It's your group...lets make it even better!!
Please share this info!

The plein truth, 
Wendie Thompson