Saturday, November 14, 2015

MSC Clement Manor Show - Sign up, pieces due Thanksgiving Week


Hi everyone

Just a reminder -  the Clement Manor Show is coming up the end of November with art work  due  for drop  off Thanksgiving  week.  There is room  for 24 pieces. So far only six members have  shown an interest. If interested please send me the following information:  Title  of piece, Media, size and price if for sale.  If not for  sale, indicate NFS.
From: Tom
Keri Gerlach ( Clement  Manor Director) informed Art (the  pres) the Milwaukee Sketch Club Exhibition

-    will open Monday  Nov. 30 and run too Saturday Jan. 16.  ( tentative reception date Thursday December 10th - time to be announced)

-    drop off art work Monday November 23rd through the 28th.

Address: Clement Manor Health Center Lobby - Office
                3939 S. 92nd Street
                Greenfield, WI 53228
                (414) 321-1800

Art work hanging: Saturday November 28th - after noon, and Sunday November 29th 8am - 8pmI'll looking for a couple volunteers to help hang the artwork.

Artwork : 

Max Size - 36" X 36"
Minimum preferred Size - 16" X 20"

Please make sure your art can be hung  using a wire  hanging system, and that the frame will not come apart. Last year we had a couple pieces come apart. 

Note: No nudes will be excepted per house rules.
General comments

The Clement Manor exhibition space has  room  for 24 pieces of art. Since there are 37 members in the club, if  there are more  entries than space allows, 24 names will be drawn to decide who will exhibit. If there are too few entries, participating members will  be asked to submit a second piece. Again  if  there are more  entries than space  allows, names  will again be drawn to decide who will exhibit  a second piece.

Note: Please do not ask the club officers to take responsibility for your artwork. All  participants will be responsible for dropping off their own artwork.  

Interested parties should  send  this writer the following  information for  inclusion on the sign up  sheet:

Title of the piece
Medium used (example - oil on canvas 36" X 36")
Sale price or NFS