Sunday, October 18, 2015

Wisconsin Pastel Artists' President's letter 10/5/15

from: cbehrs
Hi all,

October is here and our exhibit at the Cedarburg Cultural Center is right around the corner.
I am excited to hear we have more than enough work committed to fill both galleries and more. Thank you for making this show a priority.
(as long as you're now in the habit of getting in the studio more often, keep it up!)

I have been a little lax in my duties but I want to commend our board members for their work on this exhibit, the John Preston workshop in September, the meeting planning, and keeping the finances in order.
They have been working tirelessly to keep this organization vibrant and providing opportunities for us to grow and show.
Please thank them for their commitment to the WPA. They are Marcia Gora-Patek (vice president), Carol Chapman (recording secretary and exhibit committee), Judy Grochowski (exhibit committee),
and Debra Patterson (treasurer). Thank you for all your work!

As always, please feel free to contact me with any cares or concerns.
We are always open for suggestions for guest artists, workshops you would be interested in, and any way we can improve the WPA.

Thank you,