Thursday, October 22, 2015

Milwaukee Sketch Club, noon Friday 10/23/14, Vernon Marsh, Mukwonago

From: Vivian Foster <>

Hi Everyone,

We are meeting tomorrow at Frog Alley, Vernon Marsh, Mukwonago at
noon.  There is plenty to paint and the color is awesome!

Hope to see you all there,


Directions from Hwy I-43 and Hwy 83
Vernon Marsh just off Frog Alley 
Meet in upper parking lot. Directions: From Hy I43, turn north onto Hy 83 past the Pick N Save about one mile.Turn right onto Frog Alley (on the left is Sugdan Rd) and drive to the end of the road. Park in the parking lot or go to the higher parking lot overlooking the marsh.