WIPAPA outing Saturday at Richfield Nature Center
WIPAPA <mricl4hlth@gmail.com>
Oh I do apologize for the tardiness of this announcement!! I've been a little under the weather.
So Next Saturday March 28th lets go paint at the
Richfield Nature Center. Located on on Pleasant Hill Road just east of
State Hwy 164 in the Richfield Historical Park (Map to Parking or Photos).
We will meet at 8 am and paint till noon. As always bring your own lunch and we will paint and critique together. Anyone is welcome so come and paint with us!!

Here's what's happening at the park that day!!!
Maple Syrup Family Day
March 28, 2015
1 pm
Watch maple trees tapped and sap gathered from tapped trees. See how the sap is boiled into delicious syrup.
Demonstrations at 1:15 and 2:30
Free Admission
Tour of Grist Mill and Mill House
Wagon Ride from Sugar Shack to House & Mill
House/Mill Tour: $5,adults; $3, ages 6-12 and under 6, free
Food Available for Sale