Join Us at the
Opening Reception
Please join us on
Friday, June 6, 2014
at the Richeson Gallery
557 Marcella St.
Kimberly, WI 54136
for the Richeson75 Landscape 2014
R75 Figure/Portrait 2014
and a rare Workshop with
William A Suys Jr, OPA
Richeson75 Figure/Portrait 2014 entry deadline is
August 18, 2014
This year's Best in Show prize has been raised to
$10,000 CASH
The awards juror, Mr. William A. Suys Jr., OPA will offer a rare
workshop in conjunction with the competition opening exhibit on Oct 24, 2014. Workshop dates are 10/23-10/25/14.
Click HERE for workshop information & registration.
Click HERE to enter Richeson75 Figure/Portrait 2014.
Click HERE for Mr. Suys' website
Still Life Workshop with Richeson75 Director Terry Stanley
October 2-4, 2014
Full Details by clicking HERE
Online and Gallery Exhibit Opening |
Dear Milwaukee Sketch,
The online exhibit for the Richeson75 Landscape, Seascape & Architectural 2014 competition is now live. Click HERE to see the exhibit.
The opening reception will be held
Friday, June 6 from 5:30pm-8:30pm
at Richeson Gallery, 557 Marcella St. Kimberly, WI
The Awards Juror we had previously scheduled
to judge this competition has had to withdraw for health reasons. Ms.
Molly Johnson, has graciously agreed to step in. Ms Johnson is the
Executive Director and owner of The Academy of Fine Art, Wisconsin's
only Art Renewal Center approved academy. She is a graduate of The
American Academy of Art and The Academy of Fine Art. Her extensive
education includes architectural rendering, watercolor, figurative,
still life and portrait study in graphite, ink, charcoal, oil and
watercolor. Molly's work has been shown in many national and
international exhibitions along with solo and group exhibitions
throughout the state of Wisconsin. Johnson has been a professional
artist for over 25 years and an art instructor for all grade levels
through adults.
Academy of Fine Art and Molly's personal studio are located in Denmark,
Wisconsin within the historical 1909 Flour Mill that she and her husband
Brian have renovated into a creative space welcoming artists of all
levels. Please visit her work at, and The Academy at
Evening Comes by Molly Johnson |
Awards will be announced and juror comments will be given at about 6:15pm.
We look forward to seeing you on the 6th!
Terry Stanley, Director Richeson 75 International Art Competitions
Psssttt....Don't miss the special announcement about the upcoming Figure/Porrtait competition & workshop on the left!
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