al minzlaff <>
The bus is scheduled to arrive at the College Av southwest park and ride.
West side of I-94 south side of College Av, just east of South 20th St. Milwaukee.
The bus should be there at 8:40am and depart at 9:00am, on Saturday May 31,2014.
Please be on time.
We will be brought back to the park and ride lot at approx 8:00pm Sat. May 31,2014.
Please be sure that you don't leave anything laying in open view inside your vehicles
while they are parked in the lot.
Please reply to this letter so I
know that everyone has received it.
If anyone doesn't know for sure where the park and ride lot is or has any question at all you can email me or call me at 414-530-7930. This will also be my contact number in Chicago.