Monday, January 27, 2014

Wisconsin Pastel Artists News

From: Ray McInerny <>

Hello Wisconsin Pastel Artists:

Many of you enjoyed our November and January meetings, and the March 2014 meeting will be a good meeting too.

We have members of WPA in a juried exhibition at the Museum of Wisconsin Art from January 17th through April 13th
2014. Drop in and see the work of your fellow pastel artists. We are having another exhibition in the Spring, at a still
unknown date, but Springtime for sure. The March meeting we will have a critique of our artwork done by a member
of Concordia University. Plus, there is a planned Plein Air event being worked on at this time.

In February 7 and 8 we have a group attending a two-day workshop given by Colette Odya Smith, a nationally known
and talented pastel artist. Colette is one of our newest members and her group at this time is filled. Another is in the
planning stage for a possible fall date. We have much to offer and would love you to join us.

For those of you who haven't kept pace with the WPA blog and Facebook Page may be unaware that there has been
a change in our yearly dues for WPA.

It's this: We are collecting dues during the month of January from all members wishing to re-commit in 2014. Dues
for the year are $25.00 if paid prior to January 31st. Any dues for renewal after January 31st will be $30.00.

Get ahead of the curve and submit your dues within the next few weeks.
Send your dues to Ray McInerny, 3565 Greenlawn Terrace, New Berlin, WI 53151-5471

If you're rejoining and would like to be put on a list for a future Colette Odya Smith workshop the person to contact is:
Suzaanne Manthe at

Come join us at the March meeting.

Ray McInerny Sr.,