Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fred Bell Art Classes

From: Frederick Bell <fred@fredbellpaintings.com>

Hi Everybody,  
I am very happy to present you with my new schedule of art classes.  Some of the classes are old favorites and there are new ones as well.  Seeing you is always a happy experience for me and I hope you will be able to make it to some or all the classes.

Fred Bell's Class Schedule, Winter 2014
To register call: 414-475-8180 or

These art classes will be held at 
Riverside High School, 1615 E. Locust St. Milwaukee, WI 
Gaenslen, 1250 E Burleigh St, Milwaukee, WI

Session 1

Introduction to Acrylic Painting 
Learn how to translate what you see into a beautiful work of art. Learn the fundamentals of painting; light and shade, perspective, color mixing. You will do a new painting with each class. Let the instructor teach you how to see the world in a fascinating way. Materials list given out in the first class.
Level I
42175 Mon 6:00PM - 8:00PM Jan.20- Feb. 17

Painting portraits from photos 
Painting in acrylic or oil we will learn to see others in an artistic way. Realizing your own style will be the goal of this class. We will start with a drawing and progress onto painting. Bone structure, muscles and anatomy will be covered. Each class starts with a short demonstration to get you started.
42867 Tue 6:00PM - 8:00PM Jan.21 - Feb.11 Riverside

Painting the landscapes of the Impressionists 
This class will explore great impressionistic landscape paintings. We will work from photos of the paintings and give them our own interpretation. Learn about color and composition by copying the masters. Monet and Renoir are just two of the painters we will explore. Each class starts with a short demonstration to get you started. Use oil or acrylic paint.
42869 Wed 6 - 8PM Jan.-15 - Feb.12

Still Life Painting  
Painting still life objects is the best method for learning to paint. This class welcomes beginners and experienced painters. Learn basic techniques of painting, light and shade, perspective and color.
42538 Thu 6:00PM - 8:00PM 01-23 - 02-13

Session 2

Introduction to Acrylic Painting 
Learn how to translate what you see into a beautiful work of art. Learn the fundamentals of painting; light and shade, perspective, color mixing. You will do a new painting with each class. Let the instructor teach you how to see the world in a fascinating way. Materials list given out in the first class.
Level II
44125 Mon 6:00PM - 8:00PM 02-24 - 03-17

Beginning Drawing
Anyone can learn to draw and it's never too late! This class encourages you to explore drawing through a variety of approaches using paper and pencil. Gain confidence as you become acquainted with your own unique drawing style. The fundamentals of drawing, perspective and light and shade will be studied. Supplies needed are a 9x12' sketch book, 1 or 2 Ebony pencils and a kneaded eraser. All are available at art stores.
41897 Riverside Tuesdays 6-8pm Feb 18 - March 11

Drawing Portraits From Photos 
Photos are used extensively by contemporary portrait artists. Using your choice of pencil or charcoal and paper we will learn how to interpret photos into drawings with life and charm. Anatomy will be covered for understanding the head. Finding your own style and approach will be a goal. Materials needed are a 11'x14' or 9'x12' sketchbook, your choice of drawing material and a kneaded eraser.
42870 Riverside Wednesdays 6 - 8pm
Feb. 19 - Mar. 19

Charcoal Portraits From Photos 
Photos are used
extensively by contemporary portrait artists. Using inexpensive charcoal and paper we will learn how to interpret photos into drawings with life and charm.
41952 Gaenslen Thursdays 6-8pm Feb 20 - March 13

Fred Bell