Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Critique Tonight at MSC & People's Choice for best of (Clement Manor) Show

From: Thomas Piedt <piedt1@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 11:00 AM
Subject: critique

Morning everyone,
Just a reminder - There will be critique tonight ( Tuesday January 14Th); however,  Art just informed me Lorin Willey will be unable  to make it due to weather conditions in his area - about an hour north of Milwaukee.  So it will be a critique by the members.
Results of People's Choice for best of show - All decided by one vote:
Joyce Eesley - "Orchids",
Tom Piedt - 1st runner up - " View  on Delaware Avenue Looking South",
Mel Tess - 2nd runner up - " Silent Sentinels ".   
Although only the three pieces above are mentioned, Art, I,  and Kathy Sawin would like to thank everyone for their participation in the Clement Manor show. Kerry and others indicated the Milwaukee Sketch shows were  among the best.
Also my apologies to  Carol Chapman, and Mike Gundlach. Carol had two pieces in the show - "Pond in the Woods",  and  "Yellow Apples".  Only the first - " Yellow Apples " was listed on the ballot sheet.  Viewers did not let that stop them from voting though as they took the opportunity to write her in.
Unfortunately (due administrative  issues beyond my control) Mike's piece did not have  a title card nor was it listed  on the ballot; however, the portrait was nicely done 
Hope to see everyone tonight for Critique. Members are welcome to submit two pieces for review -  finished or in progress. 