Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cancellation of Tuesday Sketch 1/7/14 due to extreme cold weather

From: Thomas Piedt
Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 9:01 AM

Happy New Year everyone
Art and I agreed it's best to cancel sketch Tuesday January 7Th due to extreme cold. Sorry for the inconvenience  - stay warm.
Art and I would also like to remind the members to attend the closing reception at Clement Manor Thursday January 9Th from 6:30 to 8:30pm - Address: 3939 S 92ND St. - just south  of Howard Avenue. The forecast calls for a warm up.  Participating members can pick up their artwork at the conclusion of the reception or Friday January  10Th through Friday January 17Th.
Art  also would like  to remind  members a critique is scheduled for Tuesday January 14Th.  Lorin Willey will be the critic.
Have a great day - go Pack!