Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wisconsin Pastel Artists upcoming Fall Exhibit - Summer Wrap-Up, Fall Ahead 8/23 - 10/3/13

from: Ray McInerny <>

Wisconsin Pastel Artists:
We have an exciting exhibit coming soon for our members. It will be held from August 23rd through October 3, 2013. Our exhibit will be at the ART BAR 722 East Burleigh Street, Milwaukee, 53212.
The ART BAR is owned and operated by a professional, working artist who knows his craft and your works will more secure here than in many galleries.
However, only dues paying members of Wisconsin Pastel Artists are eligible to exhibit (as is the case in all exhibits) so we're asking you to make a special effort to submit your 2013 dues and become a participant in this Fall Exhibit. A variety of artworks shown from the majority of our members creates a vibrant and interesting exhibit.
We'd really like all of you to join us again this year by becoming a dues paying member and gaining eligibility for this exhibit called: "Summer Wrap-Up, Fall Ahead." This will be our last exhibit for the year 2013. Please join us, won't you?
A complete notice of this exhibit will be sent soon with all the particulars you'll need to enter. The Exhibit deadline for entry is July 23rd and the drop-off date at the ART BAR is August 18, 2013.
You can keep your membership alive by sending $25.00 dues to the WPA Treasurer.
Wisconsin Pastel Artists Treasurer
Ray McInerny Sr.,