Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Plein Air Newsletter 2/6/13

from: PleinAir Magazine info@pleinairmagazine.com

February 6, 2013

To receive PleinAir Today, our FREE weekly e-newsletter, enter your email below.

 Robert P. Britton, Jr.'s painting of a waterfall in upstate New York

 Britton's completed painting  
Sharing Our Gifts
Among the many blessings of being a plein air painter is the opportunity to show people the beauty we discover in their surroundings. That opportunity came to Robert P. Britton, Jr., after he painted a waterfall that held memories for the woman who owned the property. [read more]

 The Bennington Center for the Arts in Bennington, VT
Enter Small Works in Vermont Show
The Bennington Center for the Arts is accepting entries to its Small Works Exhibition and Sale, set to run May 11-December 22, 2013. Landscapes, figural works, and other representational subjects smaller than 11" x 14" are eligible. Find out how and when to enter. [read more]

Streamline Publishing's booth at the recent L.A. Art Show
Magazines & Artists at L.A. Art Show
Our reporter Vanessa Rothe tells us that both PleinAir and Fine Art Connoisseur magazines were well received in the booth she organized with regional sales manager Krystal Allen at the recent 18th Annual Los Angeles Art Show, held at the L.A. Convention Center January 23-27. [read more]


"Santa Maria della Salute," by John Singer Sargent, 1904, translucent and opaque watercolor with graphite underdrawing, 18 3/16 x 23 in. Collection the Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York

Sargent Watercolors in Brooklyn, Boston, Houston
The Brooklyn Museum in Brooklyn, New York, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts are combining some of their vast holdings for a major exhibition of John Singer Sargent's watercolors that will be on view in Brooklyn, Boston, and Houston. [read more]

The opening reception for an exhibit of work by the Suburban Plein Air Painters of Illinois
Illinois Artists Exhibit
Members of the Suburban Plein Air Painters recently exhibited their paintings in the Herb Aigner Gallery of the Prairie Center for the Arts in Schaumburg, Illinois. The group was established on Facebook and then began to plan paint-outs and this exhibition. [read more]

Early Bird Discount for Plein Air Convention
Expires Valentine's Day

This is your last week to save $200.

Registration has already exceeded last year's history-making attendance. Register now so you can be guaranteed a seat.
Call 800-610-5771 today or visit pleinairconvention.com.

Step 1: I set up my easel to paint along a stream on a sunny day in January when the sun was low to the horizon and the shadows were long.
Painting Advice From a Physicist
John D. Cogan, Ph.D. brings a scientist's understanding of light, color, and atmosphere to the practice of outdoor painting. He shares some of his knowledge about painting with acrylics in this issue, as he will during the Plein Air Convention & Expo (www.pleinairconvention.com).
[read more]

Davis Perkins
Techniques of a Smokejumper
"One key aspect of my approach to plein air painting came out of my 13 summers as a smokejumper," says Californian Davis Perkins, who came to our attention after he won an award in the PleinAir Salon competition. Find out what he means in this article, and during his presentation at the Plein Air Convention & Expo (www.pleinairconvention.com). [read more]

Eleanor Cox painting "Roussillion Windy Day"
How to Use Watercolor on Location
Virginia artist Eleanor Cox has years of experience as a plein air watercolor artist and teacher, and she has some advice to offer on techniques and procedures. Cox recently returned from teaching a workshop in Provence, France, and she shares photographs and recommendations from that trip. [read more]


Cory Trepanier painting on location
"Into the Arctic II"
View the trailer for "Into the Arctic II," a film about plein air painter Cory Trepanier returning to paint the Canadian Arctic. The film has been nominated for a Canadian Screen Award in the category of Best Performing Arts/Art Documentary. [read more]