Friday, October 5, 2012

upcoming art milwaukee events

from: jeremy@artmilwaukee

Movies with ART Milwaukee
Join us at the official Art Milwaukee Movie Theater in the Grand. A special thanks to Marcus Cinema for donating the space. Our first film will be from Detroit Lives: After the Factory. Please click more info for details.

October 12th,  7pm 

Gallery Night Art Bus
50 new friends, 5 gallery stops, a live singer songwriter, an interactive project, complimentary beer and wine and one memorable way to spend gallery night in Milwaukee.

October, 19th 6:30-10pm

Creative Arts Council
The ART Milwaukee Creative Arts Council supports the goals of individual creative arts programs, while facilitating a common vision for the arts that transcends discipline and creates unity. The Council serves as a catalyst for innovative collaboration across disciplines and provides a regular forum for communication among all members of the arts community. RSVP below.

October, 29th 5:30-7:30pm
ART Milwaukee Turns 2

Two years ago today, ART Milwaukee started as an organization to enrich, empower and inspire the community through art events and programming. Since that time we are focused on using the arts as a social and economic driver for the city and for artists of all mediums. As a stimulus for the creative economy, ART Milwaukee has put over $100,000 directly into the hands of local by creating paid opportunities, working as an artist advocate and changing the perceived value of art within our business community.

On behalf myself
Jeremy Fojut and Angela Damiani we personally want to thank every artist, employee, intern, business and organization that has worked with us in the past two years. We also want to thank everyone that helped us by sharing our programming and the volunteers that have helped us grow in to a sustainable non-profit arts organization. There are many big things in the works that we will be sharing with you in the coming month that will continue to change the creative fabric of our fair city. We look forward to your continued support.

Finally, if you are interested in joining the creative movement, please join us for the formation of Milwaukee's first
Creative Arts Council. 

DearMKE started as a way for all of us to show others what we love about our city. It is growing into a film, twelve documentaries made by local filmmakers and a citywide contest that lets all of us tell our story like only we can. We all know what makes Milwaukee such a great place. DearMKE is looking for stories submitted by Milwaukeeans alike. The goal is to share these stories with people around the United States and beyond to show them how great of a city Milwuakee is. Join in spreading the word below.


Get to Know a Gallery

Jenie Gao Studio & Gallery

Jenie Gao is an artist and printmaker specializing in the mediums of woodcut and ink drawing. Her work focuses on the interdependence of preservation and change. She discusses how the objects we choose to keep and places and images we associate ourselves with act as anchor points in our families, friendships, and relationships. Jenie Gao's Studio & Gallery is located at 2375 S. Howell Ave, MKE, WI.