Join us in the Valley!
A non-traditional plein air event featuring the Menomonee Valley, this
event includes all mediums, as listed below:
Traditional (Oils, Acrylics, Watercolors, Pastels, Charcoal, Pencil)
Time-Based Media
Sculpture/Assemblage (found object from Valley or sculpted from Valley
This show includes two self-selected exhibit levels; the Emerging Artist
and the Established Artist. Following guidelines, artists choose which
level they will exhibit in. Over $3500 in prizes will be awarded! $250
award to the top artist in each category at both the emerging and
established levels!
Participants are required to use the Menomonee Valley location to inform
their work and all assets must be gathered within the event time frame.
However the work does not necessarily need to be produced on site.
Pre-registration begins NOW, and ends on September 14. Registration will be
accepted up to September 22, with in-person registration on September 21
and 22 at MARN. All artist packets must be picked up at MARN on either
September 21 or September 22. Painting begins on September 21, with an
art drop-off deadline of October 8. See the online registration form for more
This event has been expanded to include:
o Gallery Night soft opening – October 19, 5-9 pm
o Silent Auction opens Gallery Night
o Exhibit open from Monday October 22 to Thursday October 25 from 12:00 to
5:00 pm with lunch and learn sessions Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
FOOD AND BEVERAGES October 26 5-9 pm
Artists are invited to submit up to two pieces of work. Artists will be
allowed to exhibit one of their two pieces. The second piece will be
allowed only if selected by a jury. This gives all artists the opportunity
to be in a juried show, and guarantees that all artists will be allowed to
exhibit at least one work of art.
Pre- registration is $35.00 and closes on September 14th!
Sign-up today at:
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me!! Hope you will join us!
Pamela Anderson
Milwaukee Artist Resource Network
From: pamela anderson <>
from carol
Concerning MARN's "Beyond the Canvas" (regis deadline Sept. 14) they talk of the Menomonee Valley location, but never say where it is. I have asked, but received no reply. Do you know?
Their office seems to be on Vliet, which I would not think was down in the valley, but in Tosa, or am I wrong?
Carol C
from jeanne o.
Basically just south of 94, just north of Pierce, stretching from the Harley Museum to Miller Park. More defined borders are included in the packets that artists will pick up on either September 21 or 22.
all registrants will get a packet with valley parameters, instructions and a lanyard identifying them as participating artists