Date: July 10, 2012
Hi all. Just a few notes and update.
I am in
touch with the Mukwonago Chamber of Commerce regulary. I will be
meeting with April R. and her team Thurs., Friday and Saturday early for
regular updates and tweeking.
They are thrilled to see 'plein-air' artists around town already on Monday and Tuesday.
was interviewed Monday by the new Mukwonago paper (the free one) and
they do a great job on coverage. They will be featuring Brian's work
this time, and possibly be sending a photographer to the park Thursday
where more artists may be gathering to paint the 'gnarley oaks' or old
trees with much character.
FYI, Wed afternoon the weekly Mukwonago Farmers Market
assembles now at Field Park, in case any plein-air artists wish to do
that local market and people venue.
We will have
open mike and sound when ever we wish to make announcments, award
winners for plein-air and any other activites (as we are considered
partners for this joint event).
I worked with Carroll Brown (former owner of an Ad
Agency and fine artist /photographer) who met with me and offered cheap
printing for directional banners and signs. Just found this out...but he
has spent alot of time producing ideas for us in bright colors for
signage and road attention. We used the 'go in Mukwona-go and he tied it
to a 'Go ART theme in color and is producing banners for the road
leading to the park. File sample is attached with information and
parking directions etc. if you wish to share for our finale on Saturday
Art in the Park.
And finally, I am working to have the fire dept or
village 'soak the ground out there' if we don't get rain. Precaution I
needed to do for prior events I had coordinated in the past. With
cooking on grills, cigarette butts, and need to anchor stakes in the
ground for 20 or so booths, we are working on support.
Hope to join Brian and others Thursday in the
'plein-air' park to work with some of you. I am not competing but may do
some sketches and will offer this opportunity to the artists displaying
in booths just to get them engaged for the future.
Thanks for all of your help and keep me updated on your stuff out there, or if we need anything.
Regards, Jim M