Sunday, June 24, 2012

Milwaukee Sketch Club at Nagawicki Lake Yacht Club

A very nice day. Nice Reflections. Comfortable, shady, cool benches to sit on near the water. Food and bathrooms nearby. Quite a walk from the parking lot.

Next week we plan to go to Spring Lake:
From the intersection of Waukesha Co Roads NN and E
Go west on NN to the center of Eagle.

From the center of Eagle, WI:
Turn right on Grove St. Cross the railroad track and immediately turn left on Hwy 59 (Kettle Moraine Scenic Dr.)
Go west on Hwy 59 about 5.8 miles, past Spring Lake to Palmyra, and turn left on Anemone Ave, the first street after the lake.
Park in front of the picnic shelter.

From there we can paint a beach, the lake or the little park.

Other possible locations in the area: