Greetings All!
There is so much going on for WIPAPA! This Friday and Saturday is
the first of the season plein air competition in Kewaskum and then it
continues all summer and into the fall!! There is a full list on the
Blog! Hope to see all of you out there.
Below you will find info for the second hanging show this year (at the
Art*Bar 50 pieces) and in about a week I will be sending out info for
another show at the Schauer Center for the Arts (50-70 pieces) in
Hartford. All artists will want to submit to these shows as we are
developing a point system for signature membership based on entry and
awards etc...more info coming on that soon!! So get painting!!!! :)

When? Opening Reception Friday July 20Th 6 till ???
Work Hangs July 20Th through August 23rd
Where? The Art*Bar 722 E Burleigh (Riverwest)
Awards? 1st, 2ND and 3rd place (no cash awards: points will be awarded toward signature membership)
Entry Cost? None, Nada, Zip
Sales Split? 70% Artist/20% Art*Bar/10%AWE
You may submit up to 4 images for consideration We will be accepting 50 pieces for this show!
All work must be done "en Plein Air" Started and finished on location (Please respect this) from 2010-2012
You must be a 2012 dues paid member to enter (see entry form at To join)
Acceptance announcements will be sent the 4Th-6Th of July
Pick up of unsold work is August 24Th-26Th
#1 Register on the form at
. Remember scroll all the way down and hit the submit button!
#2 Send your 72 dpi images with came, saw, painted in the address bar and labeled with your title, name to: