Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Lorin Willey Class At MAM, Thursday night 11/9/11 starting at 4:30pm


Subject: Class this Thursday at the MAM

Hello Folks,

This Thursday, November 10th we will be having my class at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

As stated this tour of the Impressionist Exhibit will be a scheduled class, however it will be at a reduced rate of only $20. Please bring cash or a check made out to myself as we are not having it at the Raven Gallery facility.

Do not enter the exhibit until we are all assembled together as a group. Everyone, please meet at the ticket desk area. Wait there until the entire group is present. Please be there no later than 4:30pm as we will begin the tour at that time.

I will be lecturing and answering questions as we go clockwise through the exhibit. Impressionism is one of my specialties so this will be a very informative class. I recommend that you bring a note pad and pen so that you can take notes.

After class we will be going over to the Co. Clare Restaurant on Astor Street which is about 10 minutes away from the Art Museum. I have enclosed a link to the Co. Clare in case we get separated after the exhibit. I am estimating that we will arrive at Co. Clare at about 7pm.

I need all of you to RSVP to this email so that we know who we are waiting for at the ticket desk area.

If you do not RSVP you may miss the start. If you cannot make it at 4:30pm let me know. Within reason we will wait for you if you inform me that you will be a bit late. But let’s try to be there as close to 4:30pm as possible.

This should be a very entertaining night. I hope to see you all there.

Yours in paint,


(Some Info about Lorin Willey)