Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Possible Healthy Neighborhoods sketch opportunity

Rebecca of Urban Anthology Inc who is involved with Milwaukee's 9 Healthy Neighborhoods program has suggested we include the following places in our plein air outings:

Lincoln Village, Capitol Heights, Thurston Woods, Havenwoods, Sherman Park, Layton Boulevard West, Martin Drive, etc. Each neighborhood is funded through the Greater Milwaukee Foundation to focus on what's positive (not negative) about these neighborhoods and, with this approach, encouraging residents to invest in their homes and to connect with their community.

Here's an excerpt from her email:
"I was planning to invite your Sketch club to a Lincoln Village event (I know you've sketched the Basilica in the past but maybe there is more of interest here, too), but then I thought: Wouldn't it be wonderful if all 9 neighborhoods could be sketched? We're in the process of building websites and publicity for the neighborhoods and having artists' images to represent them could be just wonderful. The bonus for the Sketch club members would be getting introduced (or re-introduced) to each of these neighborhoods, the majority of which are SO underappreciated."