Wednesday, May 20, 2015

WPA Schauer Award Winners

Chris behrs <>

WPA membership,

I am writing to remind you that our May membership meeting is coming up this Wednesday, May 13 at West Allis City Hall, 7525 W Greenfield Ave. We will be featuring a talk by Lorin Wiley titled, “How Color and Value Support Dynamic Composition.” Lorin encourages members to bring examples of your work. While this is not a critique Lorin plans to use members work as examples during his presentation, so please feel free to bring work to share.
Our exhibit at the Schauer in Hartford was another strong showing of members work. Thank you to all who planned and participated in this show. I would also like to extend my apologies for not announcing the award winners for this exhibit. I appreciate all who came to the reception and were part of the festivities. Given the distance and other commitments not everyone can always make the openings. Because of this and in the interest of promoting our group I am responsible for contacting and congratulating winners as well as posting this information on the blog site. I failed to get this done for this exhibit. I will be sure to make this responsibility a priority in the future.

Schauer award winners:
Best of Show-Chris Behrs
1st place- Carol Chapman
2nd place- Judy Grochowski
3rd place- Rita Burnap

Honorable Mention:  
   Sheryl Zirbes
           Marcia Gorra-Patek
           Debbie Callahan

Our next exhibit, scheduled for this October, is at the Cedarburg Cultural Center. We have space to show 85-90 paintings. This is a great opportunity for our members and is great exposure for our group, however, there is also cause for concern. In past exhibitions we have struggled to have even 40 paintings to exhibit. Our exhibit committee is confident we can meet the goal of 85-90 paintings and they will be discussing ideas at our meeting to address this. 
I would encourage all members to consider entering at least one painting, even if you have not shown before. If everyone submits one painting we would be halfway to our goal; two paintings each and we would reach it. The board is available to assist members in any way we can to help you take advantage of this opportunity. Details will be given at the meeting, through e-mail correspondence, and on our blogsite.  
As always, please feel free to contact me and express your ideas and concerns. See you at the meeting.

Your president,
Chris Behrs
Hi all,

One correction and one addition on the awards list for the Schauer.

Sheryl Zirbes was listed as an honorable mention.
 She won People's choice.

And Judy Grochowski also won artists choice.