Monday, August 10, 2009

Wednesday Plein Air Outing Location has changed for Milwaukee Sketch Club

Hello all,

We will not be going to the Paul Davidson Restoration building!

We have found out there is some construction going on where we were going to meet to paint.

We are going to repeat the June 13th outing for Downtown Greendale.

We are going to meet at the Greendale public library at the south end of Broad Street. The area has a fountain (in between shops), shops that have flower gardens and trees on the steet side of the parking lots in front of them, a gazebo park (adjacent across the steet from the library), older quaint homes on side streets on both sides of Broad Street south of the library where you see Crocus Ct, Dale Ln, Currant Ln on the map. Some of these homes are multi-family homes that remind me of lake side cottages. There is plenty of parking near the library or in front of any of the shops. The small park has plenty of older trees in which to find some shade to set up too.

See you there Wednesday at Downtown Greendale!